57- Advice: A New Era, New Challenges: Tackling life in your twenties

57- Advice: A New Era, New Challenges: Tackling life in your twenties

Hello My Loves,

Long time no speak. I hope you’ve had a lovely January! Oh, we are so back and ready to be your go-to internet bestie for all things self, life, love, and fashion. By the time the year is over, you will wonder how you ever lived without your weekly fix of Sexy Elegant Impactful! Hold onto your hats; this is the schedule!

First Monday of the Month: An Advice Topic - answering any questions/dilemmas (a question box on our IG stories every Monday @bykwezi)

Second Monday of the Month: An in-depth thinking topic - ‘food for thought’ offering you insight into your habits, the world around you and how you can overall develop as a woman in today’s society

Third Monday of the Month: Fashion & Beauty Tips - The physical things to keep you looking and feeling like the powerhouse you are!

Last Monday of the Month: Kwezi’s List  - a list of all our favourite items that month!

KWEZI is bringing back text media. There is power in reading! —but that is a topic for another day. Today is the first Monday of the month and as some of you recall I asked you to share a question last week on our IG stories and I’ll help you answer it! This week I’ve selected one!

The question reads: “I’m turning 20 this year and it scares me. I’m trying to ease myself into it and not to have so many expectations”

I chose this message for so many reasons. One, I’ve been there, Two, I wish I had a space like this to say something like this. So to the writer, thank you for being vulnerable and thank you for sharing! Leaving your teens can be daunting, but here’s my take…

The reality of your twenties is they are super chaotic, everything you imagine is true and you will indeed be expected to do and be so much for yourself and others. However, now that you’ve got the harsh reality out of the way, you should channel your fear into the endless possibilities, low risk, high reward, adventures and amazing journey you are about to go on. The step from 19 to 20 feels so huge but you are still viewed by society as being incredibly young. 

Release the pressure of reaching a specific image and just be intentional every day to move towards the goals you want to reach! Whether that’s through health, your wardrobe, a new skill or time with yourself. Enjoy every day as it comes and that won’t be easy because not only is everything around you changing but you are changing, I heard somewhere recently that ‘you don’t know all the different versions of yourself you will become’ - essentially, this isn’t the final you. 

So you can’t stress over a period of time that will eventually come to pass. Just live through it. There is so much peace in putting all your worries in God, and just living. You can’t fear what you don’t know. My only advice to you is never get too comfortable, experience life alone as well as with others, get to know you because you are so special—and finally, and <I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH> THESE ARE YOUR YEARS!!!! Dress up, look good, smell good, and prioritise feeling good, you will never be this young and hot again! You hold the power, so take control of the narrative, don’t worry about it. Don’t ease into it, put some heels on and catwalk into it! I’m cheering you on my love!

Sending you hugs x

I hope all the readers enjoyed this and it helped more than just the writer. If you have a question or need some advice put it in the box on our IG Stories (every Monday) or leave us a comment below. 

Use this week to rewrite your narrative…

With Love,

-JK x

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