33- Become the Ultimate Host!

instagram: @matildabeaa

Hello My Loves,

Let’s get into it!!!!!!

One of my many skills, and talents is hosting. My ultra-organisation skills mean I am the go-to to host and plan occasions most of the time. I am sure my friends and family can vouch. It is something I enjoy. I may have slight issues with control but that’s a problem for my future therapist. 

There are so many added benefits. It is a great way to show people around you, that you appreciate them, bring people together and create memories that will last a lifetime. 

‘Be memorable for the rooms you fill with love and happiness’- Justine Kwezi is a thought that reminds me why I host when I’m stressing out over something that is not going to plan.

So if this sounds like you, keep reading…

What type of host do you want to be? Are you the casual, comfortable host? The last-minute safe place host? Or the always extensively prepared host? Or are you all three? 

The Casual Comfortable - You never really require much, maybe some snacks and a good film and impromptu games. You feel comfortable for people to come over and stay late. Cosy up with a blanket or just enjoy each other's silence. 

The Last Minute Safe Place- Usually the meeting point for nights out. The pre-drink destination or safe place when a night doesn’t go to plan. People feel like your house is accessible and like they are always welcome. Your home is in a central location and feels safe.

The Extensively Prepared- You are the planner. Guests are for special occasions, you like to be prepared, with a spread even if it is a casual get-together. You have something for everyone. Entertainment is always memorable and people consider your home/events as a reason to bring their best selves. 

No matter what type of host you are or want to be, you should always be prepared. That could mean incorporating food for guests in your weekly shop. Investing in games. A stocked bar. You want people to always have high expectations. These expectations are created through experience, memories, food and a great outfit. 

Something that isn’t always a non-negotiable but should be is the expectation to provide. Guests should only bring themselves and a bottle/drink of choice out of social etiquette. I don’t believe in hosting and asking people to pay for dinner, snacks or entertainment. In a recent podcast, I heard someone was invoiced after attending a dinner party. If you can’t afford it, honestly, just don’t do it. I stand by this. While you’re still young or a student understandable, but in other cases, it should be unacceptable. You don’t want to leave people with the memory of the money they spent. 

Learn your audience, by your 3rd or 5th time hosting you should know what type of people you usually entertain and what they enjoy. This doesn’t mean decreasing your standards or changing what you enjoy, it just means considering them. This will allow you to plan and accommodate their needs, whether sometimes you might just need to go with the flow or adjust for those who get bored easily and might need a more structured night. Be open to small changes.

By all means, if you do not enjoy hosting someone, don’t invite them again. People respect people with boundaries. Not everyone should experience your skill. Be selective. Don’t always give to people that don’t deserve it or never fill your cup in other ways. If you don’t enjoy their presence, don’t pity invite. Stand firm in your decisions.

ALWAYS (sorry I need to say it again, and in caps) ALWAYS, be well dressed. Whether that’s your loungewear or your most elegant dress, their memory of you should always be a pleasant one, and people respond well to good outfits. 

“Did you see that stunning navy dress she was wearing?” - that could be about you. SHOP KWEZI.

Lastly, leave your guests with a parting gift. This doesn’t have to be physical but it can be. It could be a conversation, a memory or a photo. Something they will always have to remember the moment.

I hope you love this!

Use this week to show the people around you that you appreciate them.

With Love,

-JK x 

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